About the Chancellor

Dr Shawn Smith

About The Prelate


Dr Shawn Smith is a professor of sacred theology and an ordained minister of the Gospel with a divine mandate to “present the revelation of Christ Jesus, the beauty of His person and the perfection of His work, with excellence and clarity for the resurrection of the glorious Church”. He is the apostolic overseer of Gospel of Christ Ministries (GCM), an ever-growing network of churches he has established in every major city in Cameroon and around the world. With his wife, Dr. Annie Smith, they lead a global church including GCM Internet Fellowship, which reaches 153 countries and touches nearly 300,000 families worldwide.

Through his apostolic teaching ministry, he has raised up, trained and ordained faithful men from around the world into the sacred order of ministry. He has been expounding and preaching the unsullied grace of our Lord Jesus Christ for over two decades. His exegetical and inspiring method of presenting the New Testament has established him as a theological authority on the Gospel revealed to the apostle Paul.

Dr. Shawn Smith’s pastoral ministry nurtures countless saints across denominational barriers through a ministerial network he created in 2013, known as Christ Commission International (CCI). CCI is an apostolic league of New Testament ministers for networking for fellowship and association. Through CCI, the Apostle of Grace gathers ministers across continents, entrusting them with the mystery revealed to the archetypal apostle, Paul. The ICC is made up of churches from various jurisdictions to be a unified witness to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Dr. Smith has elevated New Testament ministers with the theological and academic foundation of grace ministry through Theosis Higher Institute. He is an internationally renowned lecturer, author and teacher. He has dedicated himself to dispensing the undiluted message of Christ through documentations in various formats, a legacy for generations to come. In 2005, he wrote his first book, Fathered by God, pioneering the message of God’s fatherhood. He went on to publish As Righteous by God, debunking the notion of salvation by works. Other works by Dr Shawn Smith include The Mystery of the Faith and Jesus Christ + 0 = Everything – an evangelistic tool distributed free worldwide.

Il est le compilateur et l’éditeur de The Shawn Smith Compendium of Paul’s Epistles, une sélection de corpus de la version autorisée du roi Jacques des Romains aux Hébreux, ainsi que des idées les plus utiles de 170 versions supplémentaires et manuscrits provenant des sources les plus réputées. Il a écrit plusieurs commentaires sur les épîtres des apôtres Paul et Jean, y compris Romains révélés Volume 1, un commentaire exégétique verset par verset de l’épître de Paul aux Romains, Béni de toutes les bénédictions: un commentaire exégétique sur les Éphésiens Chapitre 1, consacré à l’appel: un commentaire exégétique sur les instructions apostoliques, doctrinales et pratiques sur la deuxième lettre de Paul à Timothée, et Notre communion avec la vie, la lumière et l’amour : un commentaire exégétique et dévotionnel des épîtres de saint Jean le Bien-aimé.